The Fourth Burns Annual Seminar on Traditional and Western Combined Therapy on Severe Burned Wounds was Held in Yunnan

2008年-12月-19日 来源:MEBO

From November 27 to 30 2008, hosted by the First Yunnan Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine Burns Committee and under the sponsorship of the People’s Hospital of Tengchong County Yunnan Province, the fourth Burns Annual Seminar of the First Yunnan Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine on traditional and western combined therapy on severe burned wounds was successfully held in the conference hall of the administration building of the people’s hospital. The participants included more than 130 experts, scholars and medical stuff from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College and the Burns Committee of Yunnan Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine.

 The opening ceremony of the annual seminar     Dr. Wang Hongsheng presenting the academic report

    Yang Li making the academic speech             Dr. Li Shaocheng giving the academic report